This is a comprehensive astrological analysis of finding reasons of serious unresolved problems and unexpected accident or death in families and solutions Generally requires two or more astrologers depending on the importance of matters to be discussed. This type of Ashtamangalaprasna usually performed in the houses. Ashtamangalaprasna to perform this ritual first step is Dhakshina moorthy pooja wich is prathistha in center of Rasi chakra with this they use two nila vilaku(Lamps), Ashtamangalam(Comprising of eight items),Thamboolam(beetle leaf),Nirapara(Avessel filled with paddy), For drawing rasi chakram they use rice powder or bhasma(Vibhoothi) and in second step the navagraha and rasi pooja followed by gold coin pooja (in Kerala they call it as puthu panam ). After this pooja this gold coin i.e ( puthu panam) is given to child age of 7 to 12 years.The child is informed to the gold coin keep in the rasichakra which she likes any of the 12th rashis.Astrologer take this rasi as a important Aroodam(Element) in Ashtamangalaprasna.The time at which the child places the coin is considered as a new birth time. After getting this Aroodam they find other five Aroodams for calculations and then discuses on following important subjects as follows Precha(Invitaion) , Nirgamam(The time at Which the astrologer leaves his home for the prasna) , Margam (considering the happening on route),Mandiragathi(Entering into the place of prasna) , Prasnakriya sambhavam(The start from in Dakshinamoorthi pooja to end of the pooja),Soothram (Panchamahasoothram),Thrisphutam ,Chathusphutam , Pranathithrayam , Ashtamangalam (A 3 digit no. considering at the time of prasna),Deepam(Lighting of the lamp),Karthaswaram(sounds heard during the pooja tenure) )Aroodam, Udhayam ,Ayurbhavam ,Jathakam , Daivanukoolyam(Blessings of the Almighty) ,Badha(Hallucination and considering the ancestral rituals with their blessing state) ,Abhicharam (Deeds done by negative forces). In this discussion they find out history of three or more generation considering the deeds followed by the predictions of the family. Its the final judgement of astrology .
-------------------------------------Santhana Prasanam---------------------------------Santhana Prasanam is performed for childless married couples in which Ashamangalprasna is instrumental in the prediction. Astrologers analyse some different subjects and calculations for the above given predictions.
Written by Astrologer Chethallur Vijay Kumar